I have decided to post a bit of a Dogfish Head mini-marathon with 2 individual Dogfish Head selections for your reading enjoyment. First up, is their Raison D'Extra. This beer is quite rare and difficult to find, but it is worth seeking out. One of the strongest beers in the world, Raison D'Extra is a Belgian ale made with green raisins, beet sugar and a high-test Belgian ale yeast. Essentially, Dogfish took their original Raison d'Etre and pumped it up to over 20% alcohol.
It pours a murky reddish amber color with no head. Carbonation is solid, especially for such a strong beer. Aromas of raisins, caramel, figs, dates, alcohol and honey dominate. On the palate, it is quite sweet with its raisin, port wine and molasses flavors. It is malty, but quite balanced, especially with the raisin and Brandy-like zest popping on the back of your tongue, finishing with the alcohol heat following the beer down your throat before extinguishing. Quite amazing. I was a bit iffy on this one, but I had to give it a shot and it exceeded my expectations.
Raison d'Extra is a perfect substitute for brandy or port. Enjoy from a snifter at fireside and you'll be ready for a long winter's nap. A nightcap disguised as a beer. As for nightcaps, I don't wear them, but I certainly enjoy drinking them.
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