Beer is a religion to some. Many follow the masses and worship at the feet of Budweiser, Heineken and even Corona. Some demand more from their religion than just a predictable palate sermon. Those who do demand more possess two distinct beliefs...
1.) Yes, beer is a religion.
2.) But, good beer is truly divine.
That brings us to The Reverend, from Avery. It is a Belgian-style quadrupel ale brewed with dark candied sugar and various spices. Avery Brewing Company is out of Boulder, Colorado, home of the University of Colorado and numerous breweries. With college kids and an abundance of beer in such close proximity, Boulder must be a rockin' town on Saturdays when the Buffalo football team has a home game. The Reverend pours a cloudy dark golden color. The head fizzled surprisingly quick, but head retention can be tough for quadrupels. The aromas of clove, orange and peach run wild. On the palate, the mouthfeel was syrupy and sickeningly sweet. It has overwhelming flavors of Fruity Pebbles and the carbonation was too light, which made it seem like a Belgian tripel extract (just add club soda or your favorite mineral water.) I hate this beer. What a disappointment.
Avery is usually quite good and I really like their imperial India Pale Ale and Barleywine. In fact, I generally enjoy most of their offerings. Not "The Reverend" though. I found him to be heavy-handed, meandering, sappy and distractingly pointless. Sorry, I will not be attending another sermon at the Church of Brew if this beer is preaching. Just ain't my thang.
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