La Fin Du Monde, which is French for "The End of the World," is a Abbey-style tripel from Quebec. The beer is named as such because when European explorers were crossing the Atlantic, they began to think that they were going to reach the end of the world. Then, they "discovered" the "new world." History lesson complete.
It is an "ale on lees," which means it is bottled with yeast sediment. It pours a yellow-orange color with a yeasty, crisp foam head. The palate is full of apricot, tart orange, peach and clove. Chock full of tropical fruit! The clove character borders on peppery, which is quite evident with even the slightest smell. The yeast sediment also provides a fresh baked bread aroma. La Fin Du Monde has substantial carbonation, but I didn't find it overwhelming like Duvel or many other Belgian-style tripels. It is sweet, but not cloying. At 9% alcohol, it is potent, but not overly alcohol-y on the finish. But the alcohol and yeast give this tripel a dry finish.
This brew is essential in your beer arsenel. When in doubt, this should be your go-to-beer. La Fin Du Monde is consistently enjoyable and relatively easy-to-find. If the end of the world comes, drink one of these and you'll feel fine.
P.S. I used to think La Fin Du Monde was French for "will make you fart like silly tomorrow." It is not, but it doesn't make that any less true. The perfect beer with which to Dutch Oven your significant other. Cheers!
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