Alight, so this event took place over a week ago, but we've been busy, busy, busy with business. Anyway, last Saturday we bottled our Hopalong Hefner Hefe and got to brewing our Paleolithic Imperial Double Pale Ale.

All went well with bottling and it should be just about ready to drink. It's been conditioning in the bottle for about 8 or 9 days now and we may crack open a few to see how it's developing. We expect to have exhausted the supply by the weekend.

Once done with bottling we transitioned right to our Paleolithic. Laid out in the picture below is the majority of the ingredients used. The recipe included loads of malt and about 5 oz of high alpha acid Columbus, Galena, and Spalt hops.

We're expecting this beer to hit anywhere from around 9-11% alcohol and the IBUs should be well over 100. Over the last week, I've smelled nothing but hops coming out of my closet as this monster fermented. Fermentation is finally slowing down and bottling will most likely occur this weekend. We expect to be drinking this mammothly brutally beast come fall time.
We also visited Ale Fest here in Columbus this past Saturday and we'll be posting our thoughts later in the week. Also, some more beers we will be brewing shortly are: Pompous British IPA, a Stormy Night Porter (not going to give all the details on this one, though), a very special Belgian strong ale, and of course, a barleywine.
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