Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Saison du Pont

The saison-style of Belgian ale dates backs to the middle ages as a refreshing drink. As a thirst-quenching beverage, specifically from the Belgian province of Hainut (inside of Wallonia), it sustained the farm workers through many unseasonably hot days.

Saison du Pont is the perfect beverage for brew enthusiasts to toast up during the winter holidays. It is truly the Champagne of beers. Saison du Pont pours a golden orange color with a rocky, white head. The carbonation is high with aromas of peppercorn, orange peel and sweet malt. The flavor of fresh-baked bread, spice and lemon flows from the glass. Tangy note of citrus and Kent Goldings hops allow for a crisp, long finish that balances out its effervescence. It has a wonderful funk sometimes described as wet horse blanket – a compliment in beer circles.

The brew is a lovely match for spicy sausage, shrimp paella, goat cheese or a Champagne toast. Saison du Pont retails for $9 for a 750ml bottle.

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