Time to do a 180!
Once we had finished our journey along the west coast, we made our way to the east and enjoyed the offerings from Harpoon.
I must admit, I haven't had too many beers from Harpoon that I thought were above par or worth noting. Call it the fever of summer time, call it my German ancestry, or simply call it the fact that this is a great beer... but, man, did I love the Harpoon Summer Beer!
Harpoon Summer Beer is a German style Kolsch and it's nice to have an American brewery nail the style down like this!
The beer pours a very pale, straw color with an aroma or grass and slight malt. The beer is very well balanced.. offering a slight bready malt with a teensy bit of grassy hops.
This beer is great for the summer time and I could have stuck around forever and had this beer, but the work of the Brewski Brothers is never done, and thus we move on...
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