1.) Steep 1 lb 20 L crystal malt, 3 oz Belgian Munich malt, 3 oz carapils malt, and 8 oz marris otter malt at 155 degrees F for 30 minutes with 1 tsp gypsum.
2.) Add 8 lbs light DME, 3 lbs extra light DME, 1 lb light Belgian candy sugar and then bring to a boil.
3.) Add 1 oz Nugget hops (13.7%), 1 oz Magnum (14.4%), 1 oz Warrior (15.8%) and start a 60 minute boil.
4.) At 30 minutes, add 1 oz Chinook hops (11.4%), 1 oz Willamette (4.6%), and 1 oz Simcoe (11.9%).
5. At 15 minutes, add 1 tsp Irish moss and 1/2 oz sweet orange peel.
6.) At 5 minutes, add 1 oz Cascade (6.3%), 1 oz Chinook (11.4%), and 1 oz Amarillo (8.6%).
7.) Shut off heat and cool wort to below 70 degrees F. Pitch Trappist Ale yeast from White Labs WLP 500
8.) Ferment at 68-70 degrees F for 2 weeks and then rack to secondary and dry hop with 1 oz Amarillo (8.6%).
9.) 9 days later, dry hop with 1 oz sterling hops (6.0%)
10.) 5 days later, dry hp with 1/2 oz Willamette (4.6%) and 1 oz Chinook (11.4%).
11.) Leave in secondary for another month. Then, bottle with 6 oz of priming sugar and a hop tea created with 1 oz Mt. Hood (5.2%) filtered with 1 cup of water.
12.) The beer will be ready in two weeks, but will get much better with age.