Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brooklyn East India Pale Ale

Brooklyn Brewery is solid. You could walk into a store and pick up just about any six pack from them and be assured you are getting a quality product. Whether it be their classic lager, summer ale, their barleywine "Monster", or even the Belgian Tripel style (which most American micros have trouble getting right), Brooklyn rarely disappoints. On top of that, Brooklyn's brew mast Garrett Oliver is awesome. He's been a judge at the Great American Beer Festival for years, and he's even challenged the wine industry in claiming beers compliment food better than wine. He even has a book on it (

All of this being said, I can't help but be somewhat let down by Brooklyn's East India Pale Ale. I still enjoyed this beer and liked it, but I was expecting more from Brooklyn. The beer poured a clear copper/orange color with a huge white, foamy head. It looked quite nice. But the aroma was lacking... slightly fruity and yeasty, but not much hops present. The aroma was misleading, though, as hops were very present in the flavor. However, the hops lingered too long. The hops had a resiny quality that made the finish overly bitter. The hops didn't add the crispness to it that I was expecting. The beer is still tasty, but not very well balanced with a resiny hoppiness I didn't really enjoy. Oh well, Monster Ale will be here in a Month or two...

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