Eureka! We have found it! After years of dreaming about trying this "Holy Grail for Hopheads," the Brewski Brothers located the mythical Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA. Formerly the strongest beer ever made (currently #2 behind Sam Adams Utopia), this is certainly something worth trying in your lifetime just for the experience and novelty.
It pours a cloudy, foggy orange color with no head retention. At a whopping 21% alcohol, this barely qualifies as beer. Call it a hop liquor. It has more in common with sherry or port. The nose is of prunes, raisins, overripe apples, alcohol and a dash of citrus fruit. The palate is sweet. Really sweet. Loads of caramel, port, plum, grape and sweet malt. Then the hops hit, followed by a warming alcohol sensation on the mile-long finish. The 120 Min IPA wasn't as hoppy as I would have liked, which is interesting since Dogfish dry-hops this beer every day for an entire month. It is unfathomable to me that this brew has 120 IBUs (International Bitterness Units) because the hoppiness is masked by the alcohol and the sweetness.
Well, I must admit...I was slightly disappointed because it wasn't exactly what I expected. I found it too sweet and unbalanced, which is totally understandable when you get into the rarified air of 15%+ alcohol. It comes with the territory. The 120 Minute IPA was definitely unique and an interesting experience, but I doubt I will be trying it again. The novelty has worn off. Now I know what it tastes like...This Brewski Brother shall continue the relentless search for the true Holy Grail for Hopheads. For this brew is a false idol, but it should still be celebrated for what it is and not be bemoaned for what it is not.